The Power of the Breath
You may recognise Rory from one of Nimbus Co’s masterclasses where he shares his knowledge of breathwork. Learning how to harness the power of the breath changed Rory’s life and we’re excited to share some of his wisdom with you.

How did you first discover breathwork?
What are the benefits of breathwork?
If you could give our community one piece of advice to optimise their life, what would it be?
Start incorporating breathing into your daily and/or weekly routine. Your breath is the most underrated aspect of health and we all have the ability to access it. You will become a better person for yourself and everyone around you. I recommend starting with breath awareness - simply sit or lie down and breathe normally. Understand your breath in that current moment - is your breath short, long? Shallow, deep? Fast, slow? I’d then recommend functional breathing pattern training to become efficient at breathing during wakefulness, sleep and exercise.
Rory Warnock, breathwork teacher - @rorywarnockwellness
To do breathwork with Rory, visit NIMBUS ONLINE PLATFORM.
For more information on Nimbus Co and our infrared sauna studios click here.