The Best Time to Do Ice Baths and Saunas: Expert Advice Revealed

We often get asked this question but when it is best to have a sauna or ice bath? Our Nimbus Co co-founder, Neil O'Sullivan, also hosts his own podcast called These Lads Are Mental, with co-host Gary Rafferty, a strength and conditioning coach. Both know each other from their semi-professional soccer days in Sydney. The podcast looks predominantly at mental health along with overall wellbeing and health maintenance. Read and watch how sleep is impacted and what role(s) saunas and ice baths have on this recovery modality.

TLAM is into its third season and the latest episode was with sleep doctor, Dr. Dean Jane Miller. A specialist in this area who is also the plane to Paris with the Australian Olympic team to help them combat jet lag when they perform, in just a few weeks' time. The episode addresses the question of whether ice baths and saunas can be done at night, which should be of interest to viewers interested in recovery and relaxation techniques. The delivery could be more captivating and energetic.

Ok, let's say you are doing your regular training or say doing a sauna post a cardio based activity or an ice bath, what's the best time to do this?

We get this question all the time from people especially with ice baths, should i do it at night time because you get that kind of natural high but is it okay to do those things at night? Do you get a bit of a spike and can that impact you?

In the episode, Dr Miller's general rule of thumb was that if you had at least a 90 minute window of non-activity post whatever it is you do at night (not just saunas or ice baths) where you can relax then that 90 minute rule applies and you should be fine. There's no hard and fast rules in terms of ice baths or saunas. You need to listen to your own body. If you're trying them at night and they're not helping, then you need to mix it up. We're all different. However, generally, a sauna anecdotally has been shown to be a great thing to do in the evening. 

Whilst there is a natural high off the back of an evening ice bath, that will wear off and sleep again has been shown to be improved, as said by many who regularly practice it this way.

Watch the episode in full on YouTube or Spotify to learn more about sleep and how it's impacted by saunas and ice baths.

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